Depp says Burton will be tackling his adaptation of "Dark Shadows" immediately after they finish up "Alice". No one seems to be asking if there's even potential in a remake of the cheesy TV vampire soap. Right now I'm more interested to see how his "Alice in Wonderland" adaptation goes.
I get it, poster for the festival hit "Dead Girl", lips look like vaginas. Actually, ya, that's a pretty sweet poster.
M. Night Shyamalan now has his very own official site. It stars M. Night Shyamalan in an M. Night Shyamalan produced project, where M. Night Shyamalan plays the most important person in the world who is meant to save us all by saying profound things in really childish and oversimplified ways. Sounds awesome, no?
Naked thief snatches food from drive-thru window and runs away with his prize. If you're having a tough day, that mental image is guaranteed to make you laugh.
This is the look of a man who just stabbed someone, and is awfully happy with himself. It's also the satisfied look of a Floridian. Coincidentally, pretty similar.
Poland's UFO files have been stolen. At the link, an interview with the guy who probably should have done something about it. (Good read though for conspiracy theorists like myself)
1374: In a sudden outbreak of Dancing Mania (aka "St. John's Dance"), people in the streets of Aix-la-Chapelle experience terrible hallucinations and begin to jump and twitch uncontrollably until they collapse from exhaustion. Many of the sufferers are afflicted with frothing at the mouth, diabolical screaming, and sexual frenzy. The phenomenon lasts well into the month of July. Nowadays, ergot madness is suspected as being the ultimate cause of the disorder.