BGH Thirsty Thursdays: I Know What You Did Last Summer

BGH Thirsty Thursdays: I Know What You Did Last Summer

We all suffer the five day work week and if you’re like me, by Thursday you’re ready to kick back, relax with a couple of drinks and an ooky spooky movie to ease into the weekend. What better way to enjoy this than with a drinking game specifically tailored to the film of the evening. So join me on the first Thursday of the month for a live tweet movie watch with drinking game.

May 2023 BGH Thirsty Thursday

Hello sweet spring baby ghoulies! For the month of May we will be drinking and watching I Know What You Did Last Summer, a movie that despite taking place on not one, but two separate 4th of Julys, we will be watching it on the 4th of May. This 1997 film is about 4 young people finishing out their high school senior year when a terrible accident tears them apart and haunts them until the following year when to their horror… someone knows their secret and is looking for revenge.

Luke’s Review from 2016

Adam’s In Extremis: Hit and Run Law and I Know What You Did Last Summer:


1) Drink whenever Barry gets violent
2) Swig whenever Julie uses rapid side to side eye darting and/or rapid blinking to convey strong emotions and/or seriousness.
3) Sip every time any of our 4 main characters speak way too loudly/shout details about their crime.
4) Chug anytime someone is brandishing a hook.
5) Gulp anytime someone says “It was an accident”.
6) As always… cheers whenever anyone onscreen pours or takes a drink from an alcoholic beverage

Please join me Thursday, May 4th, 2023 at 8:30 pm CT for a live tweet of I Know What You Did Last Summer streaming on Netflix. Follow me on Twitter @BGHThirstyThurs we will be using the #tweetwithbgh to follow along.

Julie Blutvergiessen


DIY, sewing, vegan food, horror, drinking & games.... & also drinking games, not necessarily in that order.