Horror Headlines: Tuesday April 6th, 2010

I'll go ahead and say this is a 'thing' now; revamping literary classics to turn them into monster mashups. The newest book to the add to the pile is Sheri Borwning Erwin's "Jane Slayre". If you couldn't tell by the clever title, this is a simple case of turning Charlotte Brontes "Jane Eyre" into a vampire slayer. At this rate, we're only months away from "Of Mice and Monsters".

Are you an Anne Rice fan? Then this is good news for you. Bluewater Comics has announced that Ms. Rice will be the next subject of their Female Force line of biography comics.

While the title of "Red Sonja", Conan's flame haired female counterpart, was previously given to Rose McGowan and director Douglas Aarniokosk, those plans have been scrapped. In fact, they're even shopping for a new writer which pretty much spells out the fact that this latest reboot was a complete disaster. What could be seen as good news by some and questionable news by many is word that Millennium Films has now offered the role to Megan Fox.

In a completely unexpected turn, genre favorite Danny Trejo has announced plans to self finance a basketball drama. Focused on the Utah Jazz player Paul Millsap and his uncle/agent DeAngelo Simmons who kept the player off the streets of Louisiana, the film is tentatively titled "Ambition". Which is apt for Trejo's attempt at self financing this movie as well.

In Real People News: 

A Vermont Policeman opted for some target practice as he fired a pepperball gun repeatedly at an inmate. At an inmate who was locked in his cell.

Uganda has a growing problem that has caused the government to form task forces and start a poster campaign to warn of the dangers. The problem? Human sacrifice.

On this day in history: 

1976 - Howard Hughes dies of health complications related to syphilis.


Writer/Podcast Host/Cheerleader

Falling in love with the sounds of his own voice, Casey can be found co-hosting the Bloody Good Horror Podcast, the spinoff Instomatic Podcast as well as the 1951 Down Place Podcast dedicated to Hammer Horror. Casey loves horror films of every budget and lives by his battle cry of 'I watch crap, so you don't have to.'