"Bioshock 2" Gameplay Footage, Finally!

The "Bioshock 2" news just keeps pouring in! After months of speculation as to what the game would look/play like, GameTrailers has posted the first gameplay footage, and needless to say, the mouth-foaming has begun:

I mean really, it looks about the exact same as the original "Bioshock," but that's a great thing if you ask me. Gameplay wise, it also looks nearly identical, allowing you to alternate between plasmids (special powers) and 'conventional' weapons. The big difference here is that huge Big Daddy drill on the weapons side. I'm sure that they're already cooking up a gameplay trailer unveiling how nasty that thing looks in action, at which point thousands of nerds will be overcome with joy and turn to dust. I assume that now that the cat's out of the bag so to speak, "Bioshock 2" details soon be overflowing, and I for one can't wait.


Co-Owner/Managing Editor/Web Developer/Podcast Co-Host/Beard Wizard

Mark is the pretty much everything of Bloody Good Horror. When he's not casting spells in Magic or Hearthstone, you'll probably find him watching wrestling, beard glistening from the essence of Chicago's myriad beers and meats.