Horror Headlines: Thursday November 11th, 2010

In a shocking twist the much anticipated sequel to "Piranha 3D" will be shot in... you guess it, 3D. I can't say I'm mad about this and the fact that they're calling it "Piranha 3DD", teehee, makes me giddy as all get out. I think that's a saying.

What's got two thumbs and has Nicolas Cage fever? This guy! And you will too after you check out this new poster for "Season of the Witch". Did you look? Are you excited? Did you see Ron Perlman's name awkwardly placed at the bottom? I love it!

Alan Spencer, the guy who created "Alan Spencer" (look it up it's awesome) is working on a new show for IFC that follows a serial killer who's trying to juggle both his after hours activities and his social life. It's going to be called "Dextter". Alright that last part is a lie but it's a good suggestion I think.

A movie about a magic mushroom hunt gone terribly wrong? Sign me up kids, here's some new images from the German slasher flick "One Way Trip 3D". Let me narrate them for you. "Creepy, boring, creepy boring, holy crap why would you do that?!"

In Real People News: 

Didn't Bill Cosby do a bit on this? A man in Pennsylvania was picked up for lighting a joint in the delivery room while his wife was giving birth. Wrong sure but I can imagine that's a pretty stressful event. Cut the guy some slack.

A woman in Florida is facing charges after trying to sell her baby in order to buy a car. Now before we go calling her a monster let's ask ourselves, what kind of car was it? A used Dodge Neon? Awful. A NEW Dodge Neon? Understandable. Wait they don't make Neon's anymore? Burn the witch!

On this day in history: 

2000 - A cable car crammed with skiers and snowboarders caught fire while being pulled through an Alpine tunnel in Austria, killing 155 people.


Podcast Co-Host/Writer/Beer Drinker Extraordinaire

Drinking beer I enjoy for good time and make relaxation for everyone. Disney World is my land favorite time for me. Horror movies? Yes. That’s me for a nutshell.