russia sounds nice

Sam Raimi's "Drag Me To Hell" has officially been rated PG-13. Apparently there are people surprised by this... haven't you seen the trailer?

Poster for that French zombie film "Mutants" I told you about last week. I'm sure it doesn't mean the same thing in English, but I was really intrigued by the words "PLUS TARD" on the poster. That's a new one.

Akroyd gives more details on "Ghostbusters 3". Apparently the "young recruits" we've mentioned will be "cadets" at some kind of academy. That is AWESOME. He also says that they are going to do everything they can to get Sigourney Weaver on board, who seems to be the last holdout in restarting the franchise.

The plot is pretty standard but the title isn't. Today's awesome indie title award goes to Albino Farm. That is all.

Ron Perlman says they'll probably be shooting "Bubba Nosferatu" this Fall. I still don't think he'll make a great Elvis, but since he's terrifying I'm pretty sure he wins every argument no matter what.

If you live in New York or Las Angeles, you will see a teaser for Rob Zombie's "H2" before "Crank 2" this weekend. If you're not in those areas, tough luck. You will see Amy Smart's boobs though, and that is the greatest gift anyone could ask for.