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Len Wiseman has signed on to direct a remake of "The Mummy". Not the real one, the shitty Brendan Frasier one. I'd like to just cut to the chase and see the movie where him and Paul W.S. Anderson team up to make a movie entirely about their wives running in slow motion. Just think of the possibilities.

Winona Ryder was asked this past weekend at Fantastic Fest whether or not she was excited about the idea of possibly being in "Bettlejuice 2", and her response was to sarcastically roll her eyes and say "ya, that would be great..." See, she's in character already! Ya, this is going to go well.

Check out the alternate ending to "The Thing" remake. All this reminds me of is that "The Thing" remake was so forgettable, I couldn't even tell you what happened in the original ending. So, success?

A Vatican newspaper has slammed the Italian release of Ridley Scott's "Prometheus" because it "mishandles the delicate questions raised by... the battle eternal between good and evil in yet another attempt to steak the secret of immortality". So, for the record, the people ruled by a pedophile protector in a funny hat who believe a guy lives in the sky constantly judging you... they think "Promtheus" gets God all wrong. Noted.