Horror at Sundance: "Frozen"

Remember that movie "Open Water" that came out a few years ago about the divers stuck in the middle of the ocean surrounded by sharks? "Hatchet" director Adam Green is probably hoping you don't because his new movie "Frozen" looks to be exactly the same idea, only with a chairlift over a desolate ski resort replacing the open sea and wolves standing in for the sharks. All cynicism aside, the real-life survival horror aspects of this could make this a fun "what would you do?" movie that will haunt skiers for years to come.

John Shelton

Editor-In-Chief/Homeless Professor

Born and raised in the back of a video store, Shelton went beyond the hills and crossed the seven seas as BGH's foreign correspondent before settling into a tenure hosting Sophisticult Cinema. He enjoys the finer things in life, including but not limited to breakfast tacos, vintage paperbacks and retired racing greyhounds.