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Lori Cardille kicks some major ass in George Romero's 1986 zombie sequel "Day of the Dead," and when we talked to her in 2003 she seemed genuinely flattered and excited that it was still garnering praise all these years later. Read on to find out more.

Joe Bob Briggs is a syndicated columnist most well known by horror fans by his show from the late 80's and 90's on TNT called "Monstervision," where he hosted late night B horror. In a lot of ways he was the last great B movie host. This interview was done around 2003.

Emily starred alongside Catherine Elizabeth in the Canadian horror film "Ginger Snaps." This interview came out around the time that the first sequel, "Ginger Snaps II: Unleashed" was released to video in the states.

We spoke to Jeremy circa 2004, a few years after his straight to DVD project "The Attic Expeditions" was released. His new film "The Wizard of Gore," which he mentions briefly during our interview is now making it's rounds on the festival circuit.

Ellie Cornell lights up the screen in 1988's "Halloween 4," and met an untimely demise in the following year's "Halloween 5." Right before we caught up with her she was gearing up for her acting come back in "House of the Dead." That didn't turn out too well for her (or Uwe Boll for that matter) but we still love her to death. Read on to find out what she had to say.