We're Here! Bloody Good Horror is Now on Patreon

We feel like lucky viewers at a Brock/Candyman showdown around here today! That's right, as you may have heard on our recent podcast, BGH has decided to join the ranks of Patreon. We're not breaking new ground here, in fact, we've held out on pulling the trigger until we felt like we had something that made sense and would work for everyone -- fans, the crew, our parents, the high lord, etc. 

We've put a lot of thought into both the big shiny goals and the reward levels, and we're going to use this opportunity to finally get over the hill on some cool ideas we've been kicking around. We're also going to be working hard to get some of the new BGH blood involved. Seriously people, have you seen some of the great new writers that have been making this site and podcast happen!?
This isn't a post to get into details -- instead you should go directly to Patreon and pledge all of your monies! And, you know, read about some of the cool stuff that is coming down the pike. In all seriousness though, we're extremely thankful for all your support and we hope you'll be excited to help us build some new BGH craziness in the future. 
If you have any questions, ideas, concerns, or important horror-showdown queries hit us up! Email is info@bloodygoodhorror.com, Twitter @bghorror, Facebook is here.
Stay spooky!

Jon Schnaars

Writer/Podcast Co-Host/Business Guy

If you have questions about doing business with BGH, this is the man to speak with. Jon also enjoys the fancier things, like monocles and silent-era horror films.