Probably most horror geeks can relate to being obsessed with collecting. I’ve got more horror action figures than I care to admit at home. Of course mine are all sitting in a closet now... good luck with the marriage, Eric.
That said, the film “The Man Who Collected Food” is pretty far out there even by horror fan standards. The movie tells the story Miguel, a man who is obsessed with collecting... well food. These posts practically write themselves. But Miguel doesn’t just collect the food, he keeps it in perfect unopened condition in his cabinet.
But what’s a guy suppose to eat when the thought of opening a box of food makes him sick? Human flesh of course. You see on top of being an obsessed collector Miguel is also a cannibal. And ladies, he’s single!
The film features a cast of Michigan’s finest actors and is directed by Matt Roth. No release date is set but I’m already thinking of a sequel. It’s going to be called “The Man Who Collected Beer In His Gut”. I’ll play the lead role. Keep an eye out for it and in the mean time you can check out the trailer for “The Man Who Collected Food” below.