Retro Poster: "Bunny Lake is Missing" (1965)

When a single mom drops her daughter of at her first day of nursery school, you'd think she would use better judgement when she is unable to locate any teachers. Instead she chooses to drop her daughter off under the supervision of the school's head cook and is shocked to find out that her daughter is missing at the end of the day. Based on the novel of the same name by Marryam Modell, this film has developed quite the cult following over the years and rightfully so. The film, shot in black in white, is heavy in atmospheric creepiness with some amazing performances by the cast. As done with other films of that time period, audiences were not permitted in the theater after the film had started, which is advertised on the equally atmospheric movie poster. The poster warns "No One Admitted While the Clock is Ticking." They should make that a law.



I like horror movies. That is all.