Do you sit in your living room on Sunday nights thinking, "You know what the Walking Dead show needs to really put it over the edge? More Pinball." ? Well guess what, you're in luck!
Hey kids! Despite being an old fart, I'm a pretty big gamer. PC Gaming is my daily escape and it treats me well! Out of all the genre's out there though, pinball is by far my favorite. I have a solid 81 hours logged in Pinball FX 2; if you were my wife, you might say I have a problem. Regardless, it's a fantastic pinball sim and I own nearly all the tables for it.
This week, I got excited because a new table for Pinball FX 2 hit Steam, and this one is one i've been waiting for a bit. Yes, "The Walking Dead", in pinball form! This table draws from the excellent "Walking Dead" Video game put out be Tell Tale games, and has nothing to do with the TV Show or comic. We feature Lee and Clementine without the emotional sucker punch that came with Tell Tale's game, which is a nice change!
So, sit back and let me show you a bit of Zen Studios' Walking Dead table for Pinball FX 2. The table is out now on all platforms for just $2.99!