The June session for the bookclub is ready to start and we're tackling The Ritual by Adam Nevill.
The Ritual
Adam Nevill - 418 pages
1) Week of 6/7: Chapters: Prologue - 27 (pp.3-141)
Discussion of Section 1: 6/14, discussion begins at 12pm/EST on our subreddit
2) Week of 6/14: Chapters: 28 - 51 (pp. 142-278)
Discussion of Section 2: 6/14, discussion begins at 12pm/EST on our subreddit
3) Week of 6/21: Chapters 52-68 (pp. 52- 68)
Discussion of Section 3: 6/28, discussion begins at12pm/EST on our subreddit
July has already been chosen as well, since it got quite a few votes as well - July will be Within These Walls by Ania Ahlborn