BGH BookClub Outline:
Meeting every Sunday on BGH’s subreddit.
Reading schedule: The selected book for the month will be divided into 4 or 5 sections, depending on the weeks of the particular month. The schedule will be posted on both and the BGH subreddit. The discussion for each section will handled on the BGH subreddit on the Sunday of the following week, beginning at 12noon/eastern.
Book Conclusion: Review of book will be posted to BGH and occasionally authors will be available to answer previously submitted questions in an interview posted to BGH as well.
Upcoming Schedule of selected books to read:
Each upcoming book will be announced for the following month on the 1st Sunday of the previous month. Voting and suggestions for future books will be discussed on the BGH subreddit or submitted via twitter or email.
Any questions or suggestions:
Twitter: @cc_riots or email info@bloodygoodhorror.
APRIL: Bird Box – Josh Malerman
305 pages
Reading Schedule:
1) Week of 4/5: Pages 1-70
Discussion of Section 1: 4/12, subreddit discussion begins at12pm/EST
2) Week of 4/12: Pages 71-141
Discussion of Section 2: 4/19, subreddit discussion begins at12pm/EST
3) Week of 4/19: Pages 142-212
4) Week of 4/26: Pages 213-305
Discussion of Section 4: 5/3, subreddit discussion begins at 12pm/EST
5) May 3rd: subreddit recap of book, book review posted on BGH
For April and Bird Box, author Josh Malerman has made himself available for an interview and questions regarding his book. Questions should be submitted to the BGH BookClub subreddit by 5/3/15 and the interview will be posted on by 5/10/15.