In its short life span, "Left 4 Dead" has already come full circle in the gaming world, thanks to a short pornographic feature called "Left 4 Head."
From Kotaku
The first episode, Left 4 Head, features the kind of fare you'd expect: Smoker tongues that aren't tongues and a very hands-on Hunter going after Zoey. Oops, I mean "Poker" and "Groper" special infected going after "Blowie."
I already feel dirty enough posting this blog, so you won't find a link here, but if you're really interested, I would advise you to JFGI and "enjoy" the results for yourself. I may or may not have downloaded this, so I can't officially speak to its quality entirely, but if you're of the disposition to enjoy zombie smut based on a popular video game, than I'm sure "Left 4 Head" will be just your cup of tea.