7th Annual Rondo Award Nominations

The nominations for the SEVENTH Annual Rondo Hatton Classic Horror awards have been released, and although we weren't nominated (or hardly any sites I've heard of, coincidentally) some friends and partners of ours were. Specifically, the magazine I write for Horror Hound was nominated for two of the awards. So, if you're feeling charitable today, head on over to RondoAwards.com and help these people out.

11. Best Magazine of 2008

Horror Hound Magazine

13. Best Magazine Cover

Horror Hound Magazine, for their awesome cover of Issue #12, one that I contributed a lot to. That's pictured here:

Designed by heavy metal artist Ed Repka

In addition to that, friend of the site Bryan was nominated for the following award...

15. Best Horror Blog

Cinema Suicide.

There are tons of other categories, so it's a good way to get one last burst of judgment on 2008. Here's to BGH making the cut in '09.

Eric N

Co-Founder / Editor-in-Chief / Podcast Host

Eric is the mad scientist behind the BGH podcast. He enjoys retro games, tiny dogs, eating fiber and anything whimsical.