ATTN: BGH Gamers!

This weekend, I decided to give into the hype and purchase "Left 4 Dead" for the XBOX 360 (my system of choice, if you haven't noticed). Although I wasn't sure what to expect from the demo, I've decided that I made a great decision. However, I've also decided that playing alone, while fun, will get old, and I have no interest in playing against/with people I don't know.

Thankfully, we've built something of a community here at Bloody Good Horror, and based feedback from some of the followers of our Twitter account, it's clear that we have some gamers among us. As such, I've now added fields in your user profile where you can enter your XBOX Live Gamertag or PSN ID so that other users can meet up with like-minded zombie slayers (or closet Viva Pinata players like Casey). Currently, these fields serve no function other than identification and sharing, but I have some ideas bouncing around in my head for the future.

If you have any specific ideas of how we can get some gamer-ish things going on Bloody Good Horror, leave a comment on this post or feel free to e-mail me at m a r k @ b l o o d y g o o d h o r r o r . c o m.


Co-Owner/Managing Editor/Web Developer/Podcast Co-Host/Beard Wizard

Mark is the pretty much everything of Bloody Good Horror. When he's not casting spells in Magic or Hearthstone, you'll probably find him watching wrestling, beard glistening from the essence of Chicago's myriad beers and meats.