This site is proof of the Internet's infinite capacity as a storage medium for our fondest memories. Through reviews, blogs, and features, we're able to preserve and revive forgotten films, games, and other forms of entertainment, and make it seem as if they're current. What we don't think about, however, is what will be physically preserved when the internet goes tits up and all of our storage is wiped. Enter Modern Fossils, a series of well, modern fossils from artist Christopher Locke that showcases relics from our recent past cast in concrete and made to look like they are preserved for a post-apocalyptic generation:
One of the things that I found to be most interesting was that the fossilized iPod, the newest of relics, looked almost totally flat and lifeless after it was preserved. Compare that to the 'ghetto blaster' (pictured above) from the 70's and 80's that is rife with distinct texture and character. It's something to think about.
All of these relics are up for purchase at Christopher Locke's Heartless Machine if you're of the disposition to buy a concrete GameBoy without the mess of fossilizing it yourself.