Friday Fun: Terminate Yourself

It seems like every film or game that comes out these days is packaged with some sort of viral component. As it turns out, allowing people to put their face on things or put things on their face is a formula for instant success. JibJab built their entire business on it, and the concept has been used to promote everything from Absolut vodka to Street Fighter IV.

Terminate Yourself is a very straight forward promotion for "Terminator: Salvation" featuring Christian Bale. You simply upload a photo, line up the eyes and mouth, and use their (somewhat limited) tool to strip away parts of the face to expose the terminator within. Because it doesn't necessarily have to be a picture of "yourself", the possibilities are endless! If you have a great idea for one, "Terminate" it and post it in the comments! If you don't, enjoy this dance remix of Bale's infamous freak out on set of "Terminator: Salvation," which might actually be an even better promotion for the film.


Co-Owner/Managing Editor/Web Developer/Podcast Co-Host/Beard Wizard

Mark is the pretty much everything of Bloody Good Horror. When he's not casting spells in Magic or Hearthstone, you'll probably find him watching wrestling, beard glistening from the essence of Chicago's myriad beers and meats.