I built a new PC this past weekend, so I decided to break it in with Dead Space 3. So far, it's a pretty great start to our new relationship! I'm about....30% in I think and so far, I'm really loving it. I played the first 2 games pretty obsessively and while this is....nothing new as far as basic gameplay/enemies/mechanics, the story is still really solid and the action is pretty tense in the first half.
I've heard a lot of reviewers say it gets a bit long in the tooth in the last half of the game, but I don't always see eye to eye with game critics. At this point in the game, I'm finding a lot of good scares and since I've kept up with Issac's story for two games now, I'm really curious as to where this game will finish. If you've played through the first two, you know what to expect with this one, but that doesn't mean it's stale. It just means it's a good formula. The story is very solid and continues the story pretty seamlessly and keeps you guessing, so it's a big draw to keep you killing necromorphs. Again.
The weapons are a big change this time around. I played a solid couple hours with the trusty old plasma cutter again (I played through 1 & 2 with ONLY the plasma cutter!) but the crafting side of this game is kind of addicting! It's slow to get rolling mind you....you'll visit a lot of benches before you can actually do anything with it but at 30% in, it really starts to pick up moment as you gather more and more stuff. Right now I'm rocking a shot gun with fast reload, fast shot and extra clips on the primary fire and a 'hydraulic mod' on the secondary fire with a conical spread which always me to take melee swings at bad guys when they get close with pretty significant damage! (It's upgraded enough right now that I can hit one baddy on the initial swing and a 2nd on the back swing!) I can see the weapon mods and building getting pretty addicting later on.
Otherwise, I've only seen one or two 'new things' such as flying through space in my suit which is pretty fun. There's a couple missions that force you out there, so good times. There is a bit of combat in deep space, though nothing as intense as the dark corridors of Ishimura, but it is still fun. The movement feels natural and works really well. On PC, these scenes in the vaccume of space are frankly very pretty. When you've been stumbling around a dead ship for a few hours, these scenes really stand out. The change up in the game play is just as refreshing, so they're interludes to look forward to.
I just got to a planet, so things are about to change in a big way! I'm kind of excited to see what's in store to be honest. Isaac's on the trail of more Marker Mayhem, so the story feels like it is ramping up as well, so it's definitely a chapter too look forward to!
Are you hanging out with Isaac this week? Be sure to share your own thoughts in the comments below!