David Slade Loves "Twilight", No, Really!

I know, "Twilight" and its fans are easy targets, but sometimes there are stories too good to pass up.

We reported on the story last week about old tweets (now deleted) from David Slade (Then director of "30 Days of Night"), that commented on how he would never watch Twilight, even "on acid" or "with a gun to [his] head". Sentiments I'm sure we've all had at one point or another.

Well, needless to say "Twilight" fans weren't too happy when they found out, considering he's slated to direct the third film in the series, "New Moon". I expected some kind of formal apology, but I didn't expect it to be this blatantly full of BS. Enjoy folks, you won't read fiction this good very often in your life:

I would be grateful if you could distribute this statement to the fans of Twilight: I would like to address some statements that I made regarding Twilight.

When I made these comments, I had neither seen the film nor read the books. I was promoting a comedy short film that I had made for Xbox and every pop culture subject was seen as a possible comedy target. I was being silly and none of the statements were from the heart.

Of course, I have since seen the movie and read the books and was quickly consumed with the rich storytelling and the beautifully honest characters that Stephenie Meyer created. I would like to reassure everyone involved that I am invested in making the best film that I am humanly capable of, and that I am acutely aware of the power of the original books we serve.

Please be rest assured this statement is absolutely from the heart. yours sincerely - DAVID SLADE”

"The power of the original books"? YIKES. He must really want that directing job. Now we'll just have to see if the "Twilight" fans let him keep it.

The original Tweet in question?

“Twilight drunk? No, not even drunk. Twilight on acid? No, not even on acid? Twilight at gun point? Just shoot me.”

You tell me which quote sounds like the truth.

Eric N

Co-Founder / Editor-in-Chief / Podcast Host

Eric is the mad scientist behind the BGH podcast. He enjoys retro games, tiny dogs, eating fiber and anything whimsical.