Book Review: Ad Nauseam by C.W. LaSart

CW LaSart’s horror collection is very accurately named, Ad Nauseam, as it harbors thirteen tales of intensely stomach churning horror. LaSart is a pro at spinning a driving story with characters who often live on the fringe of society’s idea of convention and do not warrant much pity for their decisions in the direction of their lives. However unconventional LaSart’s characters may be, the terror that awaits them in her stories are nothing less than gut wrenching.
Ad Nauseam is the perfection of a morbid imagination. Each story is memorable, long after reading it - regardless if you remember the plot or effort it took to read through the cringe factor. Notable stories include, “Angel Lust,” where a pair of busted prostitutes trying to get out the game and the length of desperate measures they involve themselves in to make a viral sex video with a corpse to become millionaires. “Sister Alice’s Suitor,” follows the strange pregnancy of an aging librarian spinster after her midnight tryst with a recently murdered coed. Personal favorites are between the less grotesque and more of the strange. “Lunch Date with Loa Loa,” introduces and prolific nature photographer recently returned from Africa with an unexpected parasite and describes his decent into the maelstrom as he is mentally tormented by its cries for help. “The Hand That Feeds,” is the recounting of a grandfather’s time as a prison guard and the riot that ensued after an extremely obese and needy inmate was introduced and that inmate’s untimely disappearance.
With extreme details of sex, violence, and terror, Ad Nauseam is definitely not for the faint of heart. LaSart intricately weaves the darker shades of human nature into radical accounts of horror with acute precision. If you’re looking for something outside the realm of the watered down, sparkling horror that Hollywood pitches – Ad Nauseam is definitely the way to go. Reader beware, a steel stomach is often required.


Associate Editor/Horror Literature/Podcast Guest

CC is the High Priestess of BGH. She's into creeping around in the shadows and loves animals, but especially baby bats and puppies.