15 Minutes of Video Game Deaths!

I'm mid-way through my second playthrough of EA's Dead Space, and I couldn't be happier with the experience. As the game became more challenging, I came to notice one of the most underappreciated aspects of a game: the death scenes. Naturally, when you're playing a game, you want to avoid death at all costs, but in today's games, death is often inevetable. Thankfully, a game like Dead Space makes the experience less...errr...painful by offering up dozens of unique eviscerations to take the edge off. For those of you that haven't played the game, someone has compiled over 11 minutes of the gory deaths of Dead Space for your sick enjoyment.

Be warned, this video is MAJORLY SPOILERIFIC in that it gives away all of the game's enemies and boss battles...

The craziest thing about the depth of deaths in Dead Space (say that 10 times fast), is that in my playthroughs, I probably saw about a 10th of what was in that video, and I died A LOT. If you appreciate a more classic, blinky ending, I snagged this clip of classic video game deaths. My, what a difference 20 years makes!


Co-Owner/Managing Editor/Web Developer/Podcast Co-Host/Beard Wizard

Mark is the pretty much everything of Bloody Good Horror. When he's not casting spells in Magic or Hearthstone, you'll probably find him watching wrestling, beard glistening from the essence of Chicago's myriad beers and meats.