
I had always thought "Drive Angry" was a documentary about my road trip to Canada three years ago but based on the new trailer it's got nothing to do with that. The 3D flick stars Nicolas Cage as a badass who's broken out of hell to settle a few scores. I hope his face bursts into flames, I love when it does that.

I've officially had enough of Betty White. Alright I think I had had enough a few months back but this crap is getting out of hand. Betty is now confirmed to have landed a role in the upcoming "Men in Black 3" film. In contracts though Nicole Scherzinger, one of the strippers in The Pussycat Dolls, has also landed a role. Seeing pictures of the two next to each other makes my head hurt.

If you're pissed about paying to see movies in 3D get ready for your head to explode. Apparently "Paranormal Activity 2" will be released in selected iMax theaters for your viewing pleasure. Because when you're watching a movie shot completely on a home video camera you're going to want to see that on a giant screen and make sure it's crystal clear. That's just logic.