wolf town

Ever been curious what the Predators home planet looked like? Well you're in luck; some behind the scenes pictures of Nimrod Antal's upcoming sequel have leaked showing a few glimpses of what to expect.

Next up for the killer animal treatment are wolves! Not the human hybrid kind, just plain old wolves. This weekend, behind the scenes pictures showcase some of the damage created by the fearsome canines in the upcoming "Wolf Town".

Screenwriter Todd Farmer turns to his blog to explain away the recent delay of "Halloween 3D". He makes sure to get a few digs in on Bob Weinstein as well!

In case you haven't heard, Rob Zombie has been slated to direct an upcoming episode of "CSI: Miami". Via his Myspace blog that doubles as his own personal press conference, Zombie released a teaser image for the episode that shows a few Rob Zombie standards in guest starring roles.