lizard boy

Kevin Bacon has signed on to the big screen adaptation of "R.I.P.D.", a comic book that follows two undead cops who still walk the beat. Bacon looks to be playing a villain in the film and Jeff Bridges and Ryan Reynolds have already been confirmed as the cop duo. Bacon in between Reynolds and Bridges? Sounds delicious.

It's about time a horror movie was set in Poland. Yes "Haunted Poland", which has a new trailer, looks like it's a pretty bad rip off of "Paranormal Activity" and yes it looks like it had a budget of about 9 bucks but still. Poland! Land of kielbasa and perogies. Exporters of some of the finest strippers ever to take the stage. If I knew their national anthem I'd be singing it right now.

Concept art for Robert Rodriguez flick "Fire and Ice" has hit the tubes and it looks like it's taken from the most bad ass white trash van in 1984. Based on the artwork of Frank Frazetta the film's synopsis gave me a headache when I tried to comprehend it but from what I can understand there's some guys who fight glaciers and have to find some sort of fire thing and then get help from a wolf. I'm way off I'm sure but the way I explain it sounds pretty awesome so they should make a movie out of that too.

Finally the movie we've all been waiting for will get its DVD on August 30. I'm speaking of course about "Lizard Boy" the heartwarming tale about a doctor who fuses human DNA with a lizard and raises the freak outcome as his son... only to find he's developed a pretty hefty taste for human blood. What, no Blu-Ray version? How am I suppose to watching this when it isn't in pure crystal clear HD?